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GROW Model in Coaching

           The "GROW" model (Goal, Reality, Obstacles, Options and Way Forward) is a means of coaching expectations and an athlete's self perception through realistic goal setting and interpersonal relation. The idea is for the coach to interview his or her athlete in as nonthreatening a manner possible, and for the coach to engage the athlete in a discussion that will address what the athlete reasonably wishes to achieve, how the athlete might NOT achieve that goal, what options the athlete has in terms of overcoming whatever might stand in his or her way toward achieving their goal, and the charting of a plan of action that will help facilitate the athlete's goals. 

          Communication is the key to the GROW process. At no time is the coach to be aggressive, nor is the coach to solicit an impassioned reaction from their athlete. The object is calm, reasonable communication. The paper linked below explores the GROW model concept in a mock interview with one of my colleagues in which I seek to properly interview an athlete for GROW model goal setting success. 

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